
Saturday, 12 October 2013

Time just flies when your having fun..

Oh my where had the time gone..... I can't believe its been two weeks since I was at the Yarndale festival, but I can tell you the weather has definitely changed in the last few days and Autumn has really settled in, jumpers out and heating on.

What have I been up to..... not a lot actually.  I am making a few Christmas (go wash my mouth out for mentioning that word ) gifts, so I can't show you those, but I have finished one of  my little balls that I bought in kit from Yarndale.

Its been a while since I last did a Fairisle pattern

No 2 in the making 
they were fun to make, but I won't be going into production.

I have been playing with this

50 mts of rope

Yep! pinterest has got me into trouble again........ a friend saw this  and could I resist....... you know me too well, I offered to make it for her, it all started well

foundation row
and carried on for a bit

Think its getting a bit tight at the ends

I am not a perfectionist but I couldn't let it curl at both ends so...... I unravelled it

how neat are those ends now
I started again and managed to get the ends to lay nice and flat, but this basket didn't seem stable, I just hoped that once I started on the sides it would stiffen up .......forever hopeful

The plasters were needed as I was trying to crochet so tightly I was wearing my fingers out
I couldn't see how the sides were going to stand up by themselves once they were 10" to 12" tall no matter how tightly I tried to crochet, and the base would need something (possibly plywood) in the bottom, so
after much soul searching I decided to crochet to the end of the ball (shown in the photo) and go for a second opinion. I hate to be beaten by things, but I really didn't know where to go with this.  I think the original basket that was on Pinterest was a lot smaller, half the size in fact, and the sides may have stood to attention for the photo shoot, and once filled with wool the wool would keep the baskets shape.  I loved the idea of this being a 'Moses' basket for a baby and enjoyed trying something new.........but at the end of the day the vote has been cast and its the end of the road for this baby, and as my friend provided the rope and the yarn she has the pleasure of the unravelling.....hope she sends photos.

I've also been lucky enough to be given lots of  cooking apples, and, as they make my favourite pie, I have been busy baking.  This morning I made 4 apple pies, now nicely wrapped and frozen, and also 2 apple cakes.
I used to make an apple cake years ago, so had a go at that again...

Looks Yummy
tasted good too.   I then did my usual thing and searched the internet for another apple cake recipe and came up with one that added Almond extract and flaked Almonds on top.......yummy  

Can you spot the mistake???
Yep! forgot the flaked Almonds ...what an idiot,- still, I am sure it will taste good.

Last, but definitely not least, I won a give-away Yeah!
Kate from http://bythebabblingbrooke.blogspot.co.uk/  had a give-a-way, she even gave you a choice of gift if you won, so I chose a foundation pieced needle case ...not dreaming I would win, but my number came up and it arrived last week.  As well as the needlecase kit, Kate made me a tissue holder for my handbag. I think it will go very nicely with this bag that I made a few weeks ago

Lucky Me!

Tomorrow I am off to the 'knit and stitch' at Alexandra Palace so I hope to see some new things that I need (like I need 'a hole in the head'!!)....but its all a bit of fun.

Happy Sewing


  1. Oh you have made me hungry! We need to go over to West Virginia and get some apples before the market closes for the winter!

    That basket looks really cool...what if you kept going and then when you got it as tall as you wanted you stop in the center of one long side and go over to the other side and make a handle...think that would make it stand tall?

  2. Still unravelling as we speak:(((((((

  3. Love you Christmas decorations and you have been busy cooking.The basket looks great but the fingers must be sore so will your friends after all that unravelling.

    1. Thanks Ellen, I will bring to show you on Monday.

  4. She was wise enough to get her man to do it for her!
